Friday, January 17, 2014

Load up on amino acids

You've heard of athletes who carb load the night before a competition. The idea is to fill your body with enough carbohydrates so your muscles can use them the following day. However, there's another thing you can do. This might even be better, prime your body with Pure Muscle Pro. What I mean is you should take 2 capsules of Pure Muscle Pro up to 12 hours before your event. But when you do, don’t work out. You have to just let it sit in your body, that way when you are at your event, your muscles will already have some of the amino acids in it nurturing your muscles.
When you wake up the following morning, make sure you take another 2 capsules. This will allow the formula to get into your system and be ready for use once your body needs it. By priming your body in such a way, you’re giving it a fighting chance to do well under the stress of competition. At the same time, you’ll be able to keep your muscles fed with amino acids, pumped with Nitric Oxide and Niacin B-3.

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