Friday, January 31, 2014

Arm wrestling contests with your buddy

So are you hanging out with your friends tonight? Why not suggest to have an arm wrestling contest while you're at it? Do you dare enter the contest? Do you think you have what it takes to do as many push ups as you can? Ya sure why not, you already take Pure Muscle Pro, so you should be good to go.

So when they say go, the secret is to be steady an even. No need to rush because what happens is, the guy who does a burst of fast push ups will end up stopping before the time runs out. But if you pace yourself, you're more likely to be the winner, and it's all thanks to Pure Muscle Pro!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Should mommy brigades use Pure Muscle Pro?

Yes they should! In fact the next time they are out on their stroller walk, they should be using Pure Muscle Pro to help them build muscle and gain energy. If they don't go on walks, they can use it for other activities.that can include Zumba or Spin class in the middle of the day. But there's also women who will hit the weight room to build strong muscles.
No matter if you want to get strong or leaner, Pure Muscle Pro can benefit your and your work out. It can help give you the energy you need to keep going and help to build up your muscles. So if you're a stay at home mom, go on with your bad self and use Pure Muscle Pro.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pure Muscle Pro when you're not working out

So why would you use it when you're not working out? For recovery. Recovery is the time when your body starts to rebuild itself. Making your muscles bigger and stronger. When you use Pure Muscle Pro on recovery days, you're giving your muscles a chance to get stronger faster.
All thanks to the active ingredients such as amino acids and vitamin blends. When these ingredients are in your body when you're not working out, they'll get absorbed by your muscles to be used to regenerate muscle fibers.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Did you let yourself get out of control?

Are you out of shape? Remember round isn't a shape you want to be in. Did you know that people don't want to go to the gym because they're afraid they'll embarrass themselves if they go out there and try. They think that others will judge them But the reality is, you won't get in shape unless you try to get in shape. It doesn't happen automatically.
So to help you get your butt moving again, use some
Pure Muscle Pro. This is packed with amino acids and Niacin B-3 to help you get your body moving towards the right direction. By taking Pure Muscle Pro, easing your way back to a healthy body comes easier.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Explosive power

Get  Nitric Oxide being in your blood faster. Why do you want Nitric Oxide? NOS helps to provide vasodialation, which means your veins open up, this helps your body provide much needed nutrients to the muscle tissue at a faster rate. Why is this important? Well the idea is the fast and the more nutrients you send to your muscles, the better it is for growth.
Pure Muscle Pro helps your body do all this with the amino acids in the formula. People who use it, actually experience a pump in their muscles too. That's the vasodialation that we're talking about. This is an incredible feeling, it feels good and at the same time you feel like you're going to explode!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Workout tips, but this time it's about cleanliness

 You really can't help how there are so many people at the gym who aren't considerate and don't bring their own towel. But you can be the change you want to see and bring your own. That way you're not "that sweaty guy" that everyone thinks is gross.
 If you bring your own towel, you're able to lay it down to protect you from the sweat and to soak up your own. It's more sanitary to do it this way. Besides you can use the towel to wipe up your own sweat. Just remember which side has touched the bench surfaces, otherwise you'll end up wiping someone else s sweat on to your face, and that's gross!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Do you compete? Use Pure Muscle Pro

Do you compete in sports? From 5k runs to arm wrestling. I bet that you want to have an extra edge over your opponents? Then use some Pure Muscle Pro. This product will give your body the power and strength it needs to be effective and dangerous. Yes, that's dangerous for your competition. They won't even know what hit them. They'll be wondering what in the world was that, it was you!
All that energy you'll have is from the Niacin B-3 in the formula. Did you know that Niacin B-3 is highly used as an energy booster that most beverage companies use as an alternative to caffeine. The great thing about Niacin B-3, there's no jittery or nervousness feelings like you'd get from caffeine, just a steady rush of energy without the crash.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Competitive picnic games

Are you going to be going to the Competitive Picnic Games? Do you know that they have you do all sorts of picnic games in a form of a competition? Guess what, the biggest team event is the tug of war. If so, load up on some Pure Muscle Pro. Why? This is the supplement that will help give you the power to be the anchor on the team. An anchor is critical in making sure your side doesn't cross the line.An anchor traditionally is a heavy set person, but someone of great strength can easily be a better anchor.
All you have to do is take 2 capsules of Pure Muscle Pro before the event and let the formula course through your body. By the time the event starts you'll be able to have raging energy to singlehandedly win the war.Now that's a great feeling, and it's all thanks to Pure Muscle Pro.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

From Pros to average Joes

Amateur athletes, weekend warrior and professionals, you're allowed to take Pure Muscle Pro. In fact, it's the amateur athlete who can benefit from Pure Muscle Pro. Whether you're a wind surfer, judo champion or a race car driver, Pure Muscle Pro can help you get an edge over your competition. Made with amino acids and Niacin B-3, you're able to get the most out of this formula just by simply taking 2 before your work out.
To maximize it's effect, take another one to help aid your muscle's recovery needs. By doing so, you're helping your body recover faster and allow the amino acids to start rebuilding what you tore down during your activity. Pure Muscle Pro is a must for any athlete.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Sore muscles need Pure Muscle Pro

So here's the deal, if you've had a tough workout, chances are you might be sore from it. Usually you'll feel your muscle soreness about 2 days later. But beat the pain with Pure Muscle Pro. Take it before you you get sore. In fact take it right after your work out to help prevent it.
But if you still feel sore, then make sure that you take some at the first sign. The amino acids can help your muscles get the recovery it needs. Basically, your muscles are being treated with amino acids. Those are the same building blocks that are required to build up your muscles to be bigger and stronger.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Load up on amino acids

You've heard of athletes who carb load the night before a competition. The idea is to fill your body with enough carbohydrates so your muscles can use them the following day. However, there's another thing you can do. This might even be better, prime your body with Pure Muscle Pro. What I mean is you should take 2 capsules of Pure Muscle Pro up to 12 hours before your event. But when you do, don’t work out. You have to just let it sit in your body, that way when you are at your event, your muscles will already have some of the amino acids in it nurturing your muscles.
When you wake up the following morning, make sure you take another 2 capsules. This will allow the formula to get into your system and be ready for use once your body needs it. By priming your body in such a way, you’re giving it a fighting chance to do well under the stress of competition. At the same time, you’ll be able to keep your muscles fed with amino acids, pumped with Nitric Oxide and Niacin B-3.