Friday, July 5, 2013

Gain mass

Pure Muscle Pro is the latest in sports nutrition. It's a dietary supplement that will help you shred excess fat, gain insane strength, increase energy, increase libido and get wicked pumps. It does all this with the help of Niacin B-3 as well as other amino acids and vitamin blends. Here's list of active ingredients and what they will do in Pure Muscle Pro.

A-AKG - Increases production of nitric oxide in muscles. Nitric oxide is knows to have blood-flow-enhancing effects, which increase the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to exercise muscle.

A-KIC - Increases strength and stamina while extending muscle pump and signaling muscle growth and speedy recovery.

OKG - An amino acid that stimulates the body to build muscle and other tissues. It is a nutritional supplement developed to improve the performance of athletes.

GKG - A glutamine precursor that efficiently bypasses the gut and has the ability to enter the muscle cell directly giving you superior absorption and cell volumization.

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