Friday, June 28, 2013

The new kid on the block: Pure Muscle Pro

Pure Muscle Pro contains a premium L-Arginine blend of amino acids and herbal ingredients that increase the nitric oxide (NO2) levels in your blood stream. As a result, more oxygen is getting to your muscles to increase the overall effectiveness of your pumps and maximize muscle growth. You can actually feel Pure Muscle Pro working during every training session!

Here are the key ingredients that make up Pure Muscle Pro

A-AKG - Increases production of nitric oxide in muscles. Nitric oxide is knows to have blood-flow-enhancing effects, which increase the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to exercise muscle.

A-KIC - Increases strength and stamina while extending muscle pump and signaling muscle growth and speedy recovery.

OKG - An amino acid that stimulates the body to build muscle and other tissues. It is a nutritional supplement developed to improve the performance of athletes.

GKG - A glutamine precursor that efficiently bypasses the gut and has the ability to enter the muscle cell directly giving you superior absorption and cell volumization.

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